9 Things You Need To Know About Invisalign Clear Aligners
Almost everyone would love to have straighter teeth. Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for traditional braces. Metal braces can be uncomfortable and make eating certain foods difficult. They also require a lot of attention in terms of keeping them clean. For people who want to straighten their teeth but don’t want to deal with […]
Affordable Dentist in Petaluma CA
Do you put off going to the dentist because you worry you can’t afford it? You may not be alone. Many people have anxiety about dental care because they fear the treatment and fear seeing the bill when treatment is complete. Don’t let the dollar blues be why you don’t receive dental care. At Von […]
If you have a toothache, you may wonder if you can ignore it until it disappears. You can try to ignore it, but should you? It may go away over time, but does that mean the problem has gone away with the pain? That’s not necessarily always the case. It’s usually a good idea to […]
What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea And How Do You Treat It
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea And How Do You Treat It. This is a sleep condition in which there is an involuntary stoppage or break in breathing for a brief period of time during sleep. Here are a few facts about this condition. It is estimated that about 22 million Americans are affected by Obstructive […]